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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

A person who saved 300+ people from suicide

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A man named Chen Si spends every weekend of his life at the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge (the World's #1 suicide site) and saves people from jumping. He has saved more than 300  people from killing themselves so far.
chan si-uncensor world
chan si-tech columnist
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The Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge(Known as No.1 Suicide place) has always been one of the most famous bridges in China and known as world suicide place. Statistics showed that more than 2,000 people had committed suicide from the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge between 1968 and 2006.
Chen Si is a Chinese man who has stopped more than 300 people from committing suicide off the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge in Nanjing, China.Chen Si has been volunteering on the bridge every weekend for the past 13 years. He has saved more than 300 people.

Chan si also known as angel of Nanjing. Chen first started going to the bridge back in 2003. He arrived in Nanjing to work and met an old man who offered him lots of optimistic advice. The old man fell ill not too long after and his sons began arguing about inheritance -- leading the old man to refuse to eat and eventually pass away. This incident is one of the main motivating factors for Chen to help others. He believes if he just went to talk to the old man, things might have been different. "What could be more important than life itself?" Chen asks.
chan si saved people from suicide
chan si saved people from suicide-uncensor world

Every weekend, Chen si go 25 kilometers far to the bridge, arriving at 7:30AM in the morning. He patrols the bridge on bike and on foot. When  he meets somebody who wants to jump from the bridge, he talks to them and persuades them not to do it. In case he's not there when someone needs help, he has also written his number of the bridge for people to call.
For example, Chen helped Shi Xiqing, a man who tried to commit suicide because of the $15,000 bill for his daughter's leukemia treatment, by phoning him every week and talking to his creditors.

This kind of people such as chen si greatly inspired us.We should be try to be a man such as chan si.

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