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Monday, January 15, 2018

how to create blogger blog(blogger part-1)

(tech x guide)welcome to uncensor world.i will share how to craete a professional website by a series post.hope all you enjoy it and stay with us at the last.frist you need a gmail account to open
blogger.if you have a gmail account allrady log in it  otherswise create an account from  here .then go  and log in with your you will see bellow picture.
how to create blog by blogger-techcolumnist
how to create blog by blogger-techcolumnist
How To Create A Free Blog On BlogSpot,How to Create a Blogger Blog Step by Step Tutorial - Blogger,How to create your FREE Blogs with,How to Create Your First Blog Using Blogge,How to Start a Blog (to Make Money or Otherwise) in 2017,blogger tips,blogger widget,blogger gadget

Now click  new will just bellow picture
how to create blog
how to create blog by blogger-techcolumnist

Here your blog title box ’write your blog title’ and your blog addrese ‘write your blog addrese’ such as chose a template from bellow(you can change after)and click create blog.welcome you have created your frirst blog.
Now write you website addrese in browser url bar and hit enter you will see your website.        
how to create blog by blogger-techcolumnist
how to create blog by blogger-techcolumnist

 Blogger primary dashboard

Post = all your posts you'll see here.
Pages = all pages of your blog will see here.

Comment = Here you will find all comment of your blog.

Stats = The current status of your blog, where from your visitors are coming,from which country visitors are coming to your blog.

Earing = here you can apply for google adsense.your earning stats here.if you don,t have google adsense account or  your blog  rejected by google adsnse you can try this earn form bolg website tutorial
Campaigns = you have must to pay for cmapaigns.

Layout:=you can add or gadget  from here.
Theme =template is most important for bloggrer you can customize your template and you can make a professional website by blogger.keep eye our bloog.
Settings = here you can add or remove can add custome domain here.
I have describe  about blogger dashboard .hope that all you are enjoy it.plaese leave a comment and share this post if find usefull.thank you.

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